4:33 AM 2 weeks


2 weeks holiday for school community. *me as well though I am not schooling anymore* -.-
Umm. this 2 week was da best week I guess. *really?* Yeah, kinda. ~.~"

Awitu fara g kundasang. 3 family jln skali. best woo~ bulih laa..
ada jga kazen 1 kepala yg ikut. mana x best kn? hehe!^^
Kmi menginap dkt homestay. D kg apa ntah tu.. lupa suda.. hihi~
blh thn jga tu tmpt.. 3 room complete. mcm rumah la. (memang rumah pn tu..) -.-
Bezanya tu rumah org laa kn.. ngehehe!

Yg nda bestnya tu kn..
Punya laaa tinggi tu tempat! terkentut jga kacil time naik..
Terpksa makcik and 2 adik pupu farah nie jln kaki naik. terlmpau berat kali aa.. hihi!
Apa bulih bt laa.. senaman baa tu.. kn? kn?

Sempat jga fara kurik rahsia c abg. bercewek suda dia..
sama nama lae tu sma farah. -.-
bezanya, farah dia baru 14. farah nie suda 19. tua suda.. yuu~ hehe!
Umm3~ Nway, got to go.

susah ati da nie. result pya psl..
hiatzz~ terbantut nafsu mau bercerita. huu~

got to go~
Que sera, sera. huhu.

5:34 PM anniversary

8 month Anniversary. ^_^

1st June.^^ Happy anniversary huny~
what shud I say?

loving a guy and deeply in love was something that I'd never expect to happened.
Well, I did but not in this age.

Fara dreamed of love. purest love.

And everytime, it seems blurry. they did say they love but its a lie obviously.
They did but not in a way i want it.

Until I met dis guy. (wait3~ have we met huny?) hihihi~

kdg2, kita slh tafsir erti suka, syg, kasih and cinta.

Fara pnh rsa myukai and it ends there. hihihi.
fara xpnh knli ssorg and suddenly fall in.
but it did happened this time. Dunno y.
terlalu mudah fara myayangi kali nie..

mcm mana tu huny? hehe~

And so, thats it.
fara tatau lagi mau ckp apa. agak blank pg2 nie..
tulah, ibu da kata, lain kali sebelum on9 kasi hbs dulu kerja rumah. hihi.

4:27 PM Friendship between me and you

Lets meet my friends.^^

~Nazrah in purple Tira in white~

This is Nazrah Zuliza Zulkifli. Friend since form1. waa~ I mish her. Now she's studied at Matix Labuan.
Mau dileter tu psl melupakan. haha~ Nazrah is one nice lady~ Last met, awal thn nie if not mistaken. Bln brapa da lupa as ada masalah MEMORY sikit. hihi.
With her, I share most everything. Understanding, that is her.^_^

Jamuan perpisahan.

we're the geng! haha~ orange, tu pengawas, purple for PRS.
From the left, Anis Syazwani(Anis), ME, Dayang Nurhafizah(pipie), Nur Azarena(Aza) and Nurazedah(zuera).

Before started it, I DIFFERENT kan me dulu with now? hehe~ To be honest, fara paling close with Zuera. Zuera never let me kept things alone. She is protective. Fara igt lagi kali pertama fara p KK. dgn Zuera laa.. hehe~ Ibu percaya Fara jalan dgn Zuera. Tu TIKET pertama Fara keluar dengan kawan. Zuera hold my hand tight masa jalan. Takut dia Fara hilang. Caused Fara looked to innocent. Zuera cakap. hehe~

Anis, Me, and Zuera memang rapat. emm, blh laa.. Anis sgt tertib. It show. But as always, dont judge a Book by its cover. rock dorg nie. Anis pernah cakap dekat Fara, yg Fara nie terlampau clean. terlampau ayu. huhu~ Zuera admit that oso. Am I? haha~

Pipie is.. urm~ nice one. hehe~ pipie nie ada sensitif sikit. Masa hangin sikit. susah nak predict. sometimes she kept things inside. but ekspresi dia ketara tu. tertulis sudah di dahi dia, "I am NOT OKAY". hehe~

Azarena, sama2 Fara. Kami dua2 new student yg entered class 5 Harmoni, SMK Kinarut on year 2007.

Aza was from stella. And me from SMK Bandaraya. Aza bdk dia slumber. she is now continue her studied in UTeM. Dia nie otak add Math. She's better in Add Math dari Math. tu yang lucu dia tu. markah AddMath lae tinggi dari Math. bab phy, dia punya makanan laa. Jenis dia, tak suka kacau org. tapi kalo ada yang tak kena dgn kawan2 dia, dia care. she is simple.

sememangnya kami semua simple2 belaka. haha~

Me and Zuera sama sikit, bab pakaian tak memilih sangat. Anis and Aza, stylo. suruh laa round CP tu, sanggup tu utk cari baju jaa. hihihi. C pipie pulak xtau sgt. caused xpernah keluar jalan dgn dia. cerewet sikit dia tu. Tapi normal laa kan? perempuan. semua nak lawa. hehe.

Cumanya, kalo Fara jalan dgn Aza, Anis and Zuera nie, Fara sorg ja yg pakai tudung. Tapi, xkisah laa. yg penting dorg baik2 belaka. Zuera cakap, dia xmau jadi hipokrit. Dia akan pakai tudung when dia betul2 ready.

Bagi Fara, pakai biar dari hati. jangan sebab terpaksa @ trend. Bila ianya lahir dari hati, ia akan kekal abadi.

xguna pakai sekarang, buka kemudian kan? so, Fara hormati keputusan dorg.^_^

Talk about them, buat fara rindu.
Zuera now at poli Sabah. Anis kat Poli Sabak bernam, Aza kat UTeM. pipie lak fara xtau. dia cakap mau tunggu pinangan ari tu. hahaha. tapi Fara sure dia tgh kerja sekarang nie. And me? jadi pengganggur terhormat d rumah.^_~

And so, thats all bout them I think. hehe~ karang pandai melalut pulak. masalah besar tu. hihi.

Here comes UITM.......

This is the new me. I did changed. As season and years flow.

This pic was taken msa on da way balik hostel. At UITM, Fara meet Zila, Fini, Ila, Sheila, Nisa, Shida and ramai lagi laa.. semua pun best2..

Dalam kelas Fara, all GIRLS. That is why, Fara xbiasa communicate with guys.
Hancur tu. huhu~ Masalah nie da lama sebenarnya. since I was in form1.
Tapi, okay2 jugak laa.. setakat chat, xda masalah. kalo da jumpa and cakap tu yang gagap. haha. Fara cuma perlu msa lebih sikit nak sesuaikn diri. *menghentam keromo*
Aih~ nie da SS nie. ckp sal diri sendiri laa pulak. haha.
xpa baa kan? bukan selalu. hehe. Meet my classmate at UITM.

Tapi kan, roomate jua laa paling kena rindu. hehe.

Farhan Faseeha and Elna Marlina. Nie yang Fara rapat. Ada lae sorang, nama Elfey.^^ Elfey nie awex cun. same goes with Faran. N elna, cute.^^

Farhan Faseeha nie Fara kenal since form5. Dia nie talkative. Ada ja benda dia mau cakap. Ngam laa dgn nama dia tu. Faseeha bermaksud yang fasih. Farhan pulak sama maksud dengan Farah, iaitu kegirangan.^^ With Farhan, Fara can talk most everything. Fara and Faran pernah kena igt KAZEN dulu. org ckp sama kunun rupa kami. padahal teda2 nie. cumanya, berat and tinggi kami sama. hihi.

rasanya sekarang xlae kot. faham2 jalah org kuat makan nie. Jadi hobby sua makan tu. haha. Makan make me happy. kan? kan? agree? hihi.

Elna Marlina, nama sekiut orgnya. wah! hee. Elna nie sensitif. biasa laa, anak2 gadis nie. memang kena sensitif. bkn laa fara nie xsensitif, tapi kurang sensitif la. *its a lie I suppose* hehe. Elna nie manja for me. Kalo dia cakap kan, kita kena dengar. sebab that will make her happy and satisfied. hihi. Elna suka bacakan cerita2 lucu and benda2 pasal muslimah nie. Oso psl org sekeliling. Elna suka bawa tgk movie malam2. best ohh~ plg best skali part tertidur d awal cerita. haha.

Elna sama faran marah tu kalau Fara tertidur. xbest dorg cakap. hehe. apa blh buat la, fara kalo cerita xkena d hati, memang awal2 doze off. haha. kadang2 jalah mcm tu. kalo cita dia best, xlaa terlelap tu. fara pernah terlelap masa tgk movie hantu. apa xnya, borriiinnggg nie.. C faran pn mau terkatup sua mata time tu. hihi.

Thats all I think.

Kalo ada papa lae, nti fara tmbah2. hehe.


4:25 PM Cinderella story

When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make u feel my love
One night when the shadows and the stars appear
And theres none there to dry your tears
I could hold u for a million years
To make you feel my love
Oh i know u havent made your mind up yet
But i will never do u wrong
I knew right from the moment that we met
No doubt in my mind we'd be wrong
I'd go hungry id go black and blue
I'd go crawling down the avenue
No theres nothing that i wouldn't do
To make u feel my love
When the storms raging on the open sea
And on the highway of regret
The winds will change they'll blow wild and free
You ain't see nothing like me
I could make you happy make your dreams come true
Though theres nothing that i wouldn't do
I'll go to the ends of the earth for you

I dedicate this song for you. the one I love most.

Thats one of the lyric, for a song in cinderella story.
what is all about with cinderella?
glass slipper? pumpkin? nymph? it is.
the thought of a kids. *labelling without consideration*

cinderella story.
the same as others fairytales.
Only happened in fairy world.
always end with happy ending. *very sweet*
The reality isnt that light. isnt that easy. isnt that simple.
One should go thru difficulty for it.

Love isnt always flow smoothly.
theres billow waiting in front.
In every stage, step, days, thru month and years.
Put your trust on him.
fill hollow space with love.
sow the seeds of veracity and sincerity.
And everything will goes fluently.

my cinderella story.
happened in reality.
embroidered by veracity
sheltered with care and love.
believe in your heart especially your mate.

I'd found someone who wants my soul, heart and mind
Who's not afraid to show that he loves me
Somebody who will understand
I'm happy just the way I am
I will be there for him just as strong as he
will be there for me

I'd be what I used to be.
I'd dream my own dream.
this cinderella find her own way.
to escape, to be strong and autarchy.
to get together with her lover.
the one she loves most.

Not depending only on him.
but endeavour by my own.
to stance what I used to hold.
facing difficulties and cyclone together.
As love is sharing. Not depending.

that is what I called,
"my cinderella story"

10:58 AM speechless.

theres nothing she could do.
theres nothing she could confess.
theres nothing you could estimate.
caused everything seems mislead.

caused theres nothing much than too much.
caused it uneasy to say.
caused its more than one could expect.
which is hardly to show by words and act.